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Finch Society of Australia ...
was formed with the simple aim of bringing together people who are dedicated to the hobby and business of the keeping and breeding of finches.... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

Just Bengalese and The National Bengalese Fanciers Association UK...
Just Bengalese,(Society Finches) All aspects of their Care & Breeding A Bird-keepers Guide to Mannikins and Munias (The Lonchura) And The Pages of The National Bengalese Fanciers Association (UK)... 31 pages found, 1 links found, 145 score

National Finch & Softbill Society - Home Page...
  What is NFSS? Articles Classifieds NFSS Bulletin Cumulative NFSS Bulletin Index FinchSave Links of Interest Legislation NFSS Surveys Finch Shop Showing Birds       Message from the President - Janu... 76 pages found, 60 links found, 1056 score

Pin-tailed Parrot Finches - Erythrura prasina - A prolific breeding Parrot ...
Breeding the Pin-tailed Parrot Finch Erythrura prasina prasina     How to breed Pin-tailed Parrot Finches with Bengalese.  This site is designed to be a manual from 'A - O' - follow the detailed in... 24 pages found, 14 links found, 2110 score
WWW.SOCIETYFINCH.COM Garrie P. Landry 2500 Chatsworth Road Franklin, Louisiana 70538 Phone 318-828-5957 e-mail   DOMINANT PIED CHOCOLATE SOCIETY SOCIETY FINCHES The Bengalese ... 11 pages found, 7 links found, 642 score

Other important links.
Acadiana Aviaries Franklin,LA...
Thank you for visiting Let me tell you a little bit about my avicultural history. My experience in keeping birds dates back to childhood, because my parents kept birds... 50 pages found, 5 links found, 213 score

Angie's Bird House. ...
This web site was set up and designed to help people that are just as confused as I used to be.  And to help people with all their pet bird needs.... 16 pages found, 16 links found, 581 score

Australian Finches...
I started breeding birds 20 years ago when i just had a few pairs of societies in a spare room in cages. Then i saw AUSTRALIAN FINCHES and thought they were really exotic and colourful little birds,... 18 pages found, 13 links found, 1614 score

Aviary of finches and exotic doves...
Aviary of finches and exotic doves... 86 pages found, 2 links found, 1249 score

California - Finch breeders in CA. Gouldians, Society, Zebra, Pigeon, and various other species....
http://CaliforniaFinches.Com 14 pages found, 11 links found, 907 score

Clifton Finch Aviaries - Index...
Marcus Pollard's articles on breeding finches and Swift Parrots and Green Rosellas in Tasmania.... 21 pages found, 14 links found, 8879 score
When I first started with finches some 25 years ago, I had many questions (actually I still have many) about what do they eat and what to do when they start laying eggs. That's why I started 57 pages found, 24 links found, 599 score

Exotic Finches...
Show-quality breeding stock of bengalese (society) finches. All mutations including pearl, albino, creamino, gray, frills (imported from Japan!). Will ship. ... 74 pages found, 30 links found, 479 score

Finch Keep...
Established in June of 2001 Pages on the Gouldian Finch Gouldians in art and on stamps, a huge list of links, free Gouldian graphics, early diary, and a few fun things. Nearly forty games and amusemen... 104 pages found, 255 links found, 551 score

FINCH RAINBOW : dedicated to Exotic finches , Australian finches & small sp...
All about Gouldian finches , Star Finches , Java finches , Java sparrows , Java rice birds , bengalese finches , Gouldian finch breeding, Heck's Longtail grass finches... 22 pages found, 35 links found, 3962 score

Finch Society of Australia ...
was formed with the simple aim of bringing together people who are dedicated to the hobby and business of the keeping and breeding of finches.... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

Finches With Wishes...
Finches With Wishes, a non-profit organization dedicated to the adoption rescue of finches, as well as the education about finch care. We have adoption centers across the country. Message boards and ... 56 pages found, 25 links found, 2249 score ...
Lots of great articles on Finch nutrition and husbandry, species profiles and care. Finches for sale, new articles added often. ... 14 pages found, 2 links found, 803 score

FinchWeb ...
We have articles on breeding and taming as well as an active web forum, We even have a page where you can put finch items up for sale. We also have a links page where you can add your link! ... pages found, links found, score

Finchworld The Center for Exotic Finches...
Finchworld is the premier finch site on the World Wide Web. Finchworld is devoted to Finch-lovers and Finch Breeder as a resource for caring for their birds.... 53 pages found, 51 links found, 3140 score

Frukt og insekt spisende fugler ...
Welcome to a web-site about frugivorous and insectivorous birds, and their relatives. This web-site is meant to be an "collection of information" web-site about the above mentioned birds. ... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

Java Finch...
All you need to know about the java finch, breeding the java finch, feeding the java finch, housing the java finch, sexing the java rice sparrows... 30 pages found, 28 links found, 514 score

Just Bengalese and The National Bengalese Fanciers Association UK...
Just Bengalese,(Society Finches) All aspects of their Care & Breeding A Bird-keepers Guide to Mannikins and Munias (The Lonchura) And The Pages of The National Bengalese Fanciers Association (UK)... 31 pages found, 1 links found, 145 score

Lady Gouldian Finch .com - Raised Outdoors for Hardiness...
Number 1 Place to purchase Lady Gouldian Finches On Line. Dedicated to the preservation and propagation of the lady gouldian finch. This web site is about the care, diet and breeding of the lady gould... 40 pages found, 5 links found, 2977 score

My Gouldian Aviary...
There is nothing more relaxing than watching the most colourful of the Australian Grass Finches! As you can see I love taking photographs and I hope you enjoy them. The whole point of this website... 41 pages found, 89 links found, 502 score

My Gouldian Aviary...
There is nothing more relaxing than watching the most colourful of the Australian Grass Finches! As you can see I love taking photographs and I hope you enjoy them. The whole point of this website AU... 8 pages found, 72 links found, 1139 score

National Finch & Softbill Society - Home Page...
  What is NFSS? Articles Classifieds NFSS Bulletin Cumulative NFSS Bulletin Index FinchSave Links of Interest Legislation NFSS Surveys Finch Shop Showing Birds       Message from the President - Janu... 76 pages found, 60 links found, 1056 score

Nest Box-R&R Dickman...
The articles of the Nest Box were created by Richard Dickman to offers finch owners and breeders a forum for discussing and breeding finches... 39 pages found, 37 links found, 1280 score

Pin-tailed Parrot Finches - a prolific breeding Parrot Finch...
Pin-tailed Parrot Finches, (Erythrura prasina) - prolific colony breeders - keeping & breeding" META name="keywords" content="Parrot Finches, Parrot Finch, Parrotfinches, Parrotfinch, Breeding, ... 38 pages found, 28 links found, 4347 score

Pin-tailed Parrot Finches - Erythrura prasina - A prolific breeding Parrot ...
Breeding the Pin-tailed Parrot Finch Erythrura prasina prasina     How to breed Pin-tailed Parrot Finches with Bengalese.  This site is designed to be a manual from 'A - O' - follow the detailed in... 24 pages found, 14 links found, 2110 score

R. & T. Aviaries ...
A multi functional site with three hands off gallerias, a message board, a chat room, and a Charities Page. All designed around the breeding and keep of Parrot Finches ... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

Rainbow Aviary...
Welcome to Rainbow Aviary Finch Breeder and Exhibitor Find out more...  About Rainbow Aviary Pricing and Availability Contact Us or call (217) 489-3711 Welcome to Rainbow Aviary. I have been a finch ... 5 pages found, 0 links found, 1318 score

Riverina Finch Society Homepage...
Welcome to the main entry point for the Riverina Finch Society Website. We hope you enjoy your stay and we extend a very warm invitiation to you (and any friends you might have) for a return visit. W... 29 pages found, 5 links found, 5252 score

Seffera Net...
Welcome to, Coming to you straight from the heartland. I do have much more on this webpage than it appears at first. I have been breeding finches and studying bird behavior for years. My ... 55 pages found, 245 links found, 522 score
"Softbill" is a general term used by aviculturists to describe a wide range of small, flying birds. They do not actually have soft beaks, but mearly live on soft foods like fruit, nectar or insects; a... 35 pages found, 119 links found, 273 score
  [ Introduction ] [ Classified Ads ] [ Feature Articles ] [ Softbill Aviaries ] [ Softbill Importers ] [ Books   Journals ] [ Photo Gallery ] [ References ] Softbill Society Fundraiser - Avian Medic... 34 pages found, 112 links found, 570 score

The Finch Network...
A site devoted entirely to finches! Need some quick info on a species well we've got it. If we don't just ask and I'll find it for you. A huge section on Zebra finches. Also a breeder of many Zebras ... 54 pages found, 18 links found, 1469 score

The Queensland Finch Society Inc...
These pages contain information about The Queensland Finch Society Inc - which is based in Brisbane, Australia - as well as articles on many aspects of aviculture and pictures of Finches.... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score
WWW.SOCIETYFINCH.COM Garrie P. Landry 2500 Chatsworth Road Franklin, Louisiana 70538 Phone 318-828-5957 e-mail   DOMINANT PIED CHOCOLATE SOCIETY SOCIETY FINCHES The Bengalese ... 11 pages found, 7 links found, 642 score

ZBirds Aviary - Zebra Finches...
All about Zebra finches and their care, breeding, genetics, colors, diet, housing, prices, and much more.... 47 pages found, 10 links found, 1584 score

Zebra Finch Society-USA...
The Zebra Finch Society is a National Finch Club Devoted to Zebra Finch. We are a relatively new club, started less than 2 years ago. Our members come from around the world with most here in the U.S.... 21 pages found, 7 links found, 1284 score

Zebra Finches on the Internet...
This is the new and improved Zebra Finches on Internet page. This page is designed for everyone with an interest in zebra finches. I have lots of interesting information for everyone. For instance, y... 50 pages found, 7 links found, 3552 score

Zebra Finches on the Internet ...
Learn about basic care, breeding, various colours mutations, clubs, exhibitions, books, and scientific research involving Zebra Finches. ... 203 pages found, 9 links found, 762 score

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