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Cockatiel Pictures

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2001-2004 Show Birds

Cinnamon Hen - Hatch 2003

Best Cockatiel in Show &
Best Bird In Show - 6/12/04

Penninsula Caged Bird Club

cinn1601_101201.jpg (43293 bytes) cinn1601_101201_2.jpg (40448 bytes) Cinnamon Hen - Hatch 2001

Best Novice and 7th Best in Show

2001 National Cage Bird Show

wf12_101201.jpg (82038 bytes) wf12_101201_2.jpg (52938 bytes) Whiteface Cock - Hatch 2001

4th Best Novice

2001 National Cage Bird Show  and the
2002 National Cage Bird Show

Three Best Novices  -  2002

goblin_101201_1.jpg (35472 bytes) goblin_101201_2.jpg (43223 bytes) Sex-Linked Yellow Cheek Cinnamon Pied Hen  - Hatch 2000

6th Best Novice 

2001 National Cage Bird Show

A number of top 5 Novice finshes.

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Cinnamon Pearl Hen 
Hatch 2001

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Cinnamon Pearl Pied Hen
Hatch 2000

lutinoPearl_101201.jpg (34499 bytes) 

Lutino Pearl Hen


pearlPied_101201.jpg (34453 bytes)

Pearl Pied Hen

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Whiteface Fallow Cock

Various pictures of our babies at various stages.

Lutino Cockatiels at 3 weeks

Lutinos - 3 Weeks

Whiteface Cinnamon Pearl Cockatiel at 6 weeks

Whiteface Cinnamon Pearl - 6 Weeks

Normal Grey Cockatiels at 7 weeks

Normal Greys - 7 Weeks

cinnPearlPied1.jpg (76990 bytes) cinnPearlPied2.jpg (76219 bytes)

Cinnamon Pearl Pied - just weaned

pearlPied121202.jpg (46711 bytes)
Pearl Pied Hen
Hatch 9/02

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Hatch: 9/02
Pictures: 12/12/02

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Picture: 12/27/02

Albino Cockatiel Hen
Hatch: 10/02

All Photograph Rights Reserved by CNC Aviary and may not be used without written permission.


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